Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)


MERCHANDISE. THE LESSON that this country is so quickly lcaning is the world-old lesson of thrift the avoiding of waste. Bfi thrifty with your time and with your money by using "Courant" classified advertising to get what you want. These columns each day form a conveniently arranged catalogue of the wants and offers of reliable people. Your own-ad-message here tomorrow will bring definite results within 24 aours.

Be thrifty the Want Ad Way. LIVE STOCK. li 11 it I Antomoblles For Sale. rsED CARS a. c.

hine co. used car department, service station. 'oakland. 191t, little fix touring car. VJteUICK SIX, 191 S.


1917. 5-PASKENGER SEDAN. -I OAKLAND, ISIS, LITTLE BIX TOURING CAR- CHARTER S54. 13:9 BROAD ST. Motorcycles and Bieyeies 12 BICYCLES All standard makes and size at very low prices; we have a good assortment to chooee from; come and lool: them over.

W. Hayes, 3-5-40 Albany ve. We carry a full line of Bicycles In all standard makes. Prices end terms very reasonable. MOTORCYCLES Agent for Excelalor and Henderson Motorcycles, A big selection used ore ycl es a nd si e-cara.

EASTERN CTCLK 112-1124 WAIN ST. MOTORCYCLE tar ley-Da vidsnii motorcycle, side car. speedometer, A-l condition; see this before buying a now one. Addross Box 47. Terryville, Conn.

MARLEY-DA VIDSON motorcyeles and side-cars, gas and electric equipped; gret your order signed up now as there is bound to be a shortage. W. L. Hayes, aent. 38-40 Albany ave.

Auto Accessories 14 ATLAS LUBlUCATiNG CO. Jobbers in oils and greases; 60 by buying; of us any quantity. 17 Elm st. At TO OWSXRR-Hsrt Is a good offer. Irt U3 yc'- top and we wiJl put ix twe 5nci v'att.

gia.ss in your rear curtata B.tnuard American Auto Tjp Vu. Zil TrunibuU Ctt. t327. A BOI I ES one-man tup, reads er tops, and sup covers; sneer metai work, painting and repaiiins Th Donegan Auto Body Snerifiltv S39 Triimt.ull pt. Oh 46Jf A rfOMOBILE PAIN flNGanT1re pairing tops, radiator covers, etc.

Dwyer 11 Mam st. and IS John st. AUTO i-ARTS repaiiert ny expert mechan- Icjs, reasonable prices, new parts made B. 80 John st. Ch.

ALTO TIRE BARGAINS Special lot lust received. Trv us. New York Auto Tlra R-vhsnw. Msln Oh fit L-TO TIRES Get. our puce on first and factory scondi.

a'l makes. SLIGHTLY USED TIRES s.Sft 32x4 8.00 34x4 9 00 CIO It iHi 31,4 33x4 37 ft ube Vulcanized 2Sc. Old Tires Bought. fONNKOTlOUT AUTO PARTS COMPANY. 1070 Main st.


CIL 6969. COMMERCIAL BODY BUILDERS find genera! repair work. Heerwort ft i 1i Bii5S st. Phone Charter 2''l6-5. JORn MAGNETOS Recharged here while wait by the patent Vim Unit Rett i Magnetizer.

Ask the man. Hicks" Auto bervtce Station, 1227-1229 Main at. 1 (For PARTS We carry a full line of f' Voi-d pai ts and accessories. Union Ford Truck A gency. 260 Windsorave.

IT'S A Tl'RE. it it certainly safe at Security Tire 117 'i Pearl st. Bus. 629. it JOB BRIGHTMAN Expert vulcanising, tire and tube repairers.

Joe Bnghtman, 73 Albany ave. (HA KK your engine bettr than new by having your cylinders reground on accurate modern machinery by Charter Oak Machine Asylum street. 'JJfOTOR OAR BODIES Made to order; repairs to all metal parts: painting and t- upholstering In all branches. Central Auto Body 15 Orchard East Hartford. i (SAT HOLCOMBB Tire 202 Albany (: vulcanizing.

automobile supciiea and standard gas. RETREADING TIRES Don't discard your tread-worn tires, let us rebuild and retread in in sonie casce they outwear new ones and are nearly puncture-p-of. Iet us show you. Akron ts and Retreading the or. gin a I tir retreadera, 141 Church at.

Auto Aorevorics 14 STEAM VCI-CANIZIXG Tire, hlrvcle rfDKri. inI bbv rarrlne re-tirin. Open evemnca. P. Seifert.

lis Maple ave. TIRES en! iim vulcanized. Also new and used tires for ml. 47 Albany ave. Charter 52.

T1RKS A full line of ail standard makes at most reasonable prices. United. Cycle 1108 Main Jt. TIKES Goodyear solid truck ttres. The E.

J. Todd Rubber distributor. 374 Trumbull at. IN" need of good tor-air work, we Petersen, expert on Dodge and Leo. Albany nve.

Ch. 6S41. Service Statioii-s RoDairniy 15 AUTO OWNERS We ran give you the best service tn repatr and overhauling jobs. Day and night storage at reasonable rates. The I itpot Garage, 177 Front st.


BILL'S AUTo STATION Overhauling and repairing on all cars saiisfaciorily done; prices lowest in city. Ford work especially, all work guaranteed. B'M's Auto Station, 21 McKiniey st. Tel. Chi 48.

CARBON BURNING STATION Come in and have ouf carbon burned out while jou wait at 75c a cylinder. South End Garage and Repair Shop. 161 Maple J. fltc'i mond, Prop. CONN.

AUTO SHEET METAL WORKS Manufacturing aiul repairing radiators a special ty; all work guaranteed. 105 Windsor ave. Oh. M73-4. I I P- EG ROC i ons and rings made and fitted.

The Evans Machine f3 Francis ave. Elisabeth Slt5. EXPERT repairing on Mii maKes of. motor cars; Dodge Bros, and Franklin cars a specialty; all work guaranteed. Sterling Gargge, Sterling st.

KATBItOS. RAD IATOH Lea ky radiators repaired and new cores in-tallftd; all nuto sheet netal work- 348 Trumhull st. MUTUAL GARAGE Highest quality workmanship In repairing by expert mechanics also washing of ars at very reasonable rates. Storage space to rent. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICB.

AVERY ft SENGER. S70 MAIN ST. CH. 750. OVERHAUL and repair your car by expert mechanics, all work guaranteed; nutos vashttd at reasonable rates.

Wooster 7H Wocster st. Oh. 4149-1 OVERHAULING. AND REPAIRING of all makes of cars by competent help; all work guaranteed; carbons cleaned. Aetna Onrfige.

112'i Main st. Oh. 6527. OVERHAULING and Repairing of all makes of cars by expert repair men; carhons cleaned. All work guaranteed.

Hartford Auto Service, 4U Temple st REPAIRING of all makes of cars by expert mechanics st reasonable rates. North End Garage. 295-7 Windsor ave. RADIATOJtS We aoeciaiiise in manufacturing and repairing radiators and auto sheet metal parts. Tucker ft Bonner.

TOR Ann st. Oh. 379. SERVICE STATION REPAIRING Expert repairing in all branches by ex-peo. mechanic: work guaranteed.

Coran's Garage. 23 Mtiln t. Tel. rh. 302-5.

WE DO all kinds of auto repairing, specializing on Buicks. Overlands and Dodges, Prices reasonable. Retttg's Garage, Edwards st. WASHING AND POLISHING a specialty, storage and parkins: by day or night; reasonable rates. "Muck's'' Garage, rear 2 Market near State st.

Itattery Service 15 EXIPK BATTERY SERVICE Station, al-wavs at your serv Giant Storage Battery 4 Chapel at. Tel. Ch. S75i. U.

S. Storage battery service station. All makes of batteries charged and repaired. Electric Auto Station, 412 Churcn st. Ch.

171 VESTA STORAGE BATTERIES Guaranteed for 2 years. Installation and repairing of electrical equipment our specialty. Sterling Battery Sterling st. Tel. Ch.

C949. WILLARD Storage Battery Service Station at loq Ann st. The Fuller Storage Battery Co Auto 1-1 very iarnpe JG MOTOR LIVERY SERVICE Touring and I Jong distance ears to rent. Apply fl. li.

PARTIES We are in a position to take out select parties at reasonab'e rates, using the best cars and expect chauffeurs. We know a trial will convince. We are still buying and selling all makes of cars. Riverside Garase. Windsor Near Nuffield Oh.


UNION TAXICAB OWNER, 203 ALLEN ST. Wanted Automobiles 17 CARS WANTED 500 Late Models, such as Buick, Cadillac, Dodge. Hudson, also wrecks and old models for parts. Call, write or 'phone Brightman Auto Exchange, Ch. 4255.

We are now located in our new buildings, 321 Windsor ave. USED AUTOMOBILES 200 wanted in any condition; highest prices paid. New England Auto Exchange. Ch, 5408. 92 Barbour St.

USED CARS Late ana id model automobiles wanted; we are the largest buyers in New England: positively highest prices paid. Write, phone or bring your tar. Cash waiting. Conn. Auto PartJ Cv.

1070 Main st. Oh. 5973-J. 100 USED CARS wanted of any model or drscription, highest prices paid. Write, phone or call with your car.

Elm Ga-raee. 93 Msin street, opposite South Green. Bushnell 223. or Charter 3564. Open fro-u 8 a.

m. to 9 p. Sundays included. BUSIXKSS SBIIV1CK. liusiness Srrvfes Offered 18 BABY CARRIAGE WHEELS RE TIRED We te-tire baby eamae, tricycle, velocipede wheels; also repairing dons on velocipedes and tricycles.

Eastern Cvcie 1 i-zg-1124 Main st. Tel. Ch. 6987. CONN.

WINDOW AND HOUSE "TEAN ING CO. Our men are insured under comrtensatton. 7S7 Main st. Ch. 322-J.

CON ROY'S Detective Agency Oldest to Connecticut. 750 Main su Ch. 4.287. OFFICE CLKANINfwTcTean ev ry thing. our men are insured.

National Window Cleaning 24 Morgan st. Oh. 6123. PHOTOGRAPHS Post card photos finished while you wait. Retouched post cards "si Asvlum st 1 ROYAL INDOW CLEAVING CO.

We clean windows, carpets, oors, woodwork, ftc. 351 A'lum st. Ch. 1 SCRVKXS- Wili'iows. ttoor.

ver-ii-'a fnclon. urcs repairs of all kmUa. J. o. Little.

4ii Broad et. Ch. :330. 1 BuKincw Swt-i kt' Offered 18 TOOLS SI I ARPEN BD-Kb zors. I Knives, and harpnd.

H. shears. Cowhs- hiiw and Son, 30 Mulberry st. Ch. WlKItOW CLEANING General liouart- ciean.rs.

our men are tmrnrwi unuer eornpeiiHatlon. The Samras Window I Cleaning lis. Main wt. Tel. Ch.

tTM. WANTED couple Ruins' to Boston by auto Buicki Juiy 4th; would like take another couple. Address Boston. Box Courant, BUSINESS SERVICE Massage MASSKUS1-: Miss Thompson, graduate of Dr. Graham.

iolt ray baths, eiectri treatment and massage 721 Main 10 a. p. m. Cnnl rut-ting CONTRACTORS T. R.

FOX SON GENERAL AND MASON Building: repairs of all kinds given special attention. Tel. Oh. 31S3. 251-271 Sheldon st.

EYPF.RT MASON wants driveways, Ce ment and chimneys, work guaranteed, Reasonable prices. Small jobs pri erred. Stanley, 3SS Franklin ave. CONNOR PORISS, BUILDERS. INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS.

GARAGES, BRIDGES. 56 CHURCH HARTFORD. CONN. tel. ca HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid, scraped and polished; moderate prices.

J. Bernetich, Otis st Tel. 3718-3. i a iri i nfiwi.iN General contractor estimates freel cfven on ail kinds of work. Hudson st.

Oh. 6985 TRY SMITH No job too large or too emnll. Pr.mpt attention to jobbing. Smith, 143 Adelaide. Ch.

4479. Insurance INSU RANIK Automobile, fire, liabilit property damage and theft Insurance at lowest rates. 1. i'. auiKuer Agency, Bank bldg.

Tel. Oh. 99, INSURANCE Fire, plate glass, hurgiary, ut earn tmiier. compensation, automobile, liability, property damage, collision' and theft insurance; fidelity and surety bonds at lowest rates; losses promptly and lib eral I adjusted- A. M.

LeRoy Co. Agency, 617 Main sf. Ch, 134. INSURANCE Automobile. health acci en li fe and fl re insurance.

Wm. MrKonft Ch. 1930. Ch. 8496-2.

INSURANCE Fire. Plate Glass, Compen sation and Liability insurance in the strongest companies. J. J. Wall, 9 Clin ton st.

Oh. 2178. Moving. Tracking, StorHge 23 a OKI. I EftT You can sae monet by using our special auto service for local delivery.

Your business will have prompt nd efficient attention. Call Ch. 37? anv time. Phoenix Express. 38 Hopkins.

AUTO EXPRESS We deliver anything anywhere at very reasonable rates; daily trips to West Hartrora. xne boiuck ix prss. office Ch. 8399: house Oh. 5761-2.

AUTO TRUCKING If you want something done in a hurry, call Ebner, 48 Wooster st. Oh. Parties accommoaaren. COLLI NSVTLLE, Unionville, Farmlngton Hartford. Daily auto expreas.

aiso long distance moving. Call CharterJH 112. CONN. TRUCKING CO, General truck- ins: local and lone distance moving. Would like load from Springfield every day, have one returmngs, can iauiei 18-2.

GLASTONBURY' HARTFORD daily ex press; local and long distance mov- ine: narties aceommonateo. tan iiia- tonhnrv 13R or Ch. 8 i99. Wm. H.

Mino. HARTFORD DESPATCH AND TRUCK ING CO. Daily express service to Sprinnfleld, Worcester, Boston, Holyoke, West field. TMtisfleld and interntediate points; all shipments insured in transit; motor-trucks for all Tel. Ch HAULING Steady hauling for heavy truck wanted; moving lO'-ai ajja lng oistancv; wirk Kiraranteefl.

J. A. King, rn. HIGI.EY'S EX PRESS Local nd long riislanr'ft ninvlnir: arencral truck ng. Of fice 117 Market st.

Bu. 607 or Iaurel 554. LOAD WANTED for truck going from Hartford to Bridgeport morning of July 3d. Address P. O.

Box 34, Bristol. MJDDLETOWN HARTFORD Ua.iiv auto express at reasonable rates. Charter 8339 Hartford or 24-3 Mtddletown. MOVING Just call Tracy when ready. Lofnl and lone distance.

Pianos and parties a specialty. Accommodate 30 people. O. H. Tracy, 17 Elmer st.

Oh. 5709 MOVING Local and long-distance furni ture and piano moving. Reasonable prices. E-bal. Oh.

6521-12. MOVING We specialize in careful hand ling of furniture and packing of paintings, china and glassware; ciosea vans for movinrr: work guaranteed Roger Sherman Transfer 1056 Main st. Oh. GIB. MOVING AND TRUCKING Don't forget O.

C. Grant, local and long distance job. bmg a specialty; work guaranteed. Ch. NEW LONDON AND RIVER TOWNS Red Star Express.

Efficient service between Hartford, New London and river towns below Mtddletown. Call 931 New London or Oh. 839? Hartford. NEW YORK -We are Clpr to New York every Monoav we a iso oo ioai ana long distance mov'ne and trucking Gor-bsek Htirwltz. 28 Wintbrnn st Oh H491.

1 "Ik," VoV A 1 I i -1 oii SIMSBURV. Tariffville, Granby and Hartford. For reliable daily- nuto express service, call 'h, R39 Hartrorn, or bims-bury tii-h. Martin Express Co. SPRINGFIELD.

BROAD BROOK. Hart ford and intermediate towns. Daily ex cress. Call charter 8399 Hartford, or River 9. Springfield.

TR UCKI NG to ail ints, first -class storage facilities. Wha'en's Express, 68 Ruckineham st. Ch. 7244. UCK Local and long dist anco furniture moving; special price given 00 requt for long distance moving.

Hartford Transfer 7 Ford place. Oh, 738. TR UCK i art orcT A oT rue" ir i ng CoT Office 12H Central Row. Co, I49X Residence. Oh.

S2. TRUCKING General trucking. local and Jong distance moving at reasonable rates. Redekas, 38 Sheldon St. Ch.

9408. BUSINESS SERVICE. inp raperinar 24 ARTISTIC decorating, paper hanging, plain palnt'ng and canvas ceilings. Paul K. Allvn st.

Oh. 5976. EVERYBODY is painting and papering. Why not let figure out how to do it most economtcnlU Rhetner Decorat-ing 118 Bellevue st. Ch.

5492. LET ME estimate on your decorating, painting, paper hanging or canvas wiling work: rensonable prices. Ci. O. Maurice.

449i Edg-wood st. Ch. 807S. Siam palnnlnc. SCHAEFER the sign man 18 Kinsley sigTis o(Tic lettering show cards, Ulus-trattn deslrning.

Ch. Piinrlnir Stntlonerr as PRINTING How al out that pr nting job you have on hand? Call up Poriss and Ch. i.82. and their man will call on you. "The House of Service." 79 Market st.

Kepniriitft 28 AUTO LAMPS, horns, pumps, naby carriages, rubber boots, arctics, coats, bottles, wringers. locks, key making, soldering, etc. Geo. W. Fernside, 3S0 Trumbull st nea" Main.

ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING All kinds of generator and motor repairs, rewinding, machine work a specialty. E'ectnc Motor Renoir 30t Peart et. ELE. TRii'IANS Expert repairing and re- odling. Estimates fee.

I'yer Elec- tr Ann st. CM. HS. mK M. Goldme Sons.

Franklin first-class shoe rr-pn rne. lowest prves 'vork r'one bv me' italics, best of leather use-t, worK calied for and delivered. Try us. Repairing ROOFING aud repairing of ail kinds, painting and decorating. Honia repairing It State at.

Ch. 85K0-S. ROOKINCi and repairing a specialty; con- due tors, gutter, eta. Jo. Kempf, So Park st.

rh. 6459-14. UPHOLSTERING KEPAIUING All work strictly guaranteed; estimates giv-en. Wm. Hosen.

C4 Temple just below Brown, Thomson'. Tel. Oh. 7674-3. Renovating and Dyeing.

20 1MPEFIAL Deing ft Cleaning works, 21 i Pe'V. st. branch. 21 Asvlum st, and 1165 Main st. C.

79flQ. THE ALLIES Dyeing and Cleaning Co. dyeing, cleaning, pressing and repair! nsj specialty. 86 Church ,1. Ch.

Tailoring nml Pressing SO TAIIXiR IN'O Sol. Frithr. cumenTtii lor, ladles' and gentlemen', garm.n:, rleaned. pressed, ami repaired: popular prlfts. Try u.i.

1M Pearl at. Ch. 138-J Wanted Business Service 31 Bp landscape eardener, grading and lawns made new and repaired; all work r-iaranteed. Montaiio, S9 Pltkm Kast Hartford. EMPLOYJIENT.

Help Wanled Female S3 BOOKKEEPER Wanted capable bookkeeper, one who understands cashlerinp; Apply at once. H. C. Tracy, 161 Alhany ave. COLORED K1TCHKN GIRLS wanted for city, country, mountains and seashore.

Soule Agency, Room 3 2, ti Main. COOKS, second and general (rirla wanted: also for sea-shore and countrv. Anply at once. Mme. Macquillen, 721 Main DRESSMAKER Reliable.

experienced, wanted to work by day. Call Eliz. 18t2. ELEVATOR GIRL wanted. Apply to Mr.

J'erktns, Motel Heubiein. FANCY IROXElTs i wanted; wages I1B per week; also 2 (Tills for mangle department. New Method Laundry. 61 Albnny ave. GENERAL HOITSKWOR Wanted, relia tile woman for general housework for August, at Madison: referencea required.

Apply MouseworK. ox ouranl. GIRLS AND WOMEN An exceMent opportunity for girls and women to learn machine operating and bench worU is now open with a leading industrial Arm; wages and working conditions are the best: piece workers can earn from JUS to J25 upwards. Address reply Box 820, Room 20S. Cable N.

T. GIRLS AND WOMEN- A firm now adding girls and women to their force manufacturing small duplicate parts, can place a number who have had similar experience during the war; at present we have openings for punch press operators, drill press hands. miliini and screw machine operators1, bench hands. Address reply stating experience, Box S20, 209 Cable N. Y.

GIRLS wanted for few hours riailv for general housework. Apply 594 Farming- LI GEN young lady wanted at once to work in cigar and news store. Apply Roberts Smoke Shop, 697 Main street. MARKER AND SORTER Exnerienced omy com per en neert apply, Pratt Laundry, 147 Sheldon st. MAIDS for general work, and waitresses.

inquire 37 Jefferson sL, superintendent of residences. PASTRY cook, woman, wanted. Hotel -tteiom, Jew STENOGRAPHER A A mcrica oWoT- rapher is wanted for a position in the office of the Connecticut Mutual Life insurance ompany. Address by let' ter. Mr.

Holt at that office. SALESWOMEN Tor muslin underwear department and salesmen for 'men's- furnishings. C. S. HILLS ft CO.

WAITERS Wanted; two good Appiy at once. Main st. OUNG WOMEN Two American young women are wanted for clerical work in the office of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. Apply by letter to Mr. Holt at that office.

YOUNG LADY wanted for special outside wotk. xne uraionoia Shop, No. 71 Main St. Help Wanted Mala 33 AMERICAN young man Is wanted for a clerical position in the ortice or the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, Address by letter, Mr. Holt at that office.



2 carnage blacksmith helpers. jipimv n. flinirurK, rg Alnanv ave. uiiAi- rirsi-ciaas experienced me- mimical nransmnn. Appiv in person Wh't'ock foil Pipe Elmwnod, Conn! MECHANICS, ATTENTION An excellent opportunity present itself for you to secure stead employment, good hourly rates; "modern factory; ideal working conditions.

In addition to tool makers and general machinists we can place those experienced on modern machine tools, such as boring milts, grinders, lathes, milling machines, drills, also a few gang bosses. inspectors, and bench bands. Large earnings possible in many instances where piece work prevails. In answering state experience and class of work vou are familisr with. Address Rox S22, Room 209, Cable N.

Y. MK AT CUTTER Wn'd. xpr.enced. Apply at oncej II. C.

Tracy, K1 Albany JOB COMPOSITOR Wanted. Appiy r' Hit-tmg dept. rhmpton Mfg. 2iS Pearl st. SHORT OF, PER COOK wanted, good wss.

tcady man. Apo)y Dairy Luacb, Mam New Britain. 7 Musical Instruments 6 a PIANO ishoiiirtger, excellent tone; price $2d0 on your own terms of payment. The A. B.

c*nton 231 Asylum st. PIANo Haselton used upright piano, in excellent condition, for $225. Morgan He Beers Piano 227 Asylum at. PIANO Kstey upright, in mahogany c.am medium size, excellent tone and condi tion; price $175 on your own terms of payment. A.

B. Clinton 2ol Asylum st. PIANO Upright, mahogany case in un usually fine condition a real bargain at $275 your own terms of payment. A. B.

Clinton 231 Asylum st. PLAYER PIANO Gordon A Son SS-note player piano, used only three months: cannot be told from new and will be sold at $100 discount: terms arranged, (Our low expenses will save you money). Hartford Piano 9 Haynea st L. A. Wheeler, prop.

SAXAPH ON 1 melody saxaphone, Borhn system oboe, 1 set orchestra bells. 2 band-made violins. Dean's Muaic House, 116 State Sprtngfle'd, TUNING Piano players and organs tuned formerly with wener s. BEAUTIFUL KRANICH St BACH upright Piano. Has had good Original cost $530.

ou Will sell at less than half price. Terms arranged. (Our low ex penses will save you money), Hartford Piano Co. Haynes L. A.

Wheeler, Prop. WE ARE featuring the Century editions of all the world's most famous master-pieees at Die. copy. Come In and let us tbow you the edition. Ask for the Cen tury catalog.

Mclnik A Rams, $49 Asy lum street. WearlBK Apparel. 6 HOES Low expense enaim-s us to sell good shoes st preatly reduced price zaim.m i rnnt si. THE GUARANTEED PANTS MFG. CO, C5 Windsor st.

Retail at wholesale prices, and made to order at ready-made prices. Wanted To Buy 06 BANKRUPT STOCKS of all kinds ct merchandise, fixtures and supplies and sold, ir you are going out or business Bnd wish to close out your stock at a good figure, get in touch with us at once. Haitford Bargain House, 1241 Main. Res. Tel.

Bu. 52. DIAMONDS We buy diamonds, o'd gold and jewelry frjrn individuals and estates, also loan money on same at legal ratea 22 years at 40 Asylum St. Grace Jewelry 40 Asylum fit. FURNITURE Second-hand ranges, carpets, etc.

Call or write Reliable Cash Buyers. Bu. 635, Elmer St. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER Any size. Address F.

L. Warnke. 80 William Haitford. Conn. Oh.

3434. RAGS, RUBBERS AND FURNITURE I will buy alt second-hand goods; pay good prices: will call in answer to maiL a hecblck, 38 Wooster St. WE BUY old clothes and pay the highest prices. Call any time. 409 Front street.

Charter 9539. WATCHES. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY We buy diamonds, watches, old gold, silver and jewelry; we pay the highest prices and will pxv you more than any other concern in the city. Wm. Garftnkle, jeweler, 1109 Main st.

WE PAY highest prices for old gold, stiver pstinum and gold teeth. M. Kosin, 1039 Main st. WE WILL buy all the records you are tired of. We want all wc can get.

or you ran exchange them for ones that you like better. The Pathe Actuelle 264 Trumbull at. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms With Board 67 ASYLUM 827 W'Uh board, 2 connecting rooms, private bath, man anil wife, or two genelemen. oh. 3855.

Barbour 319 The woman's Aid so-eity offers to unfortunate women desirous to read better lives a temporary home. CA ITO I. SOPieasant furoiihed front room, with or without board; also side room; excellent table board for transients, 6 o'clock dinner. Ch. 8RR6.

CAPITOL 143 Furnished rooms with or without board; all conveniences) rates reasonable; transients accommodated. Tel. Ch. 26S6-5. LAUREL 270 Near Farmington ave.

With board, one large room for man and wife or two gentlemen. Ch. 1360. SIGOURNEY HOUSE 1150 Main st. (new management) rooms with or without board; all rooms have steam heat, hot and cold wpter; transients accommodated.

Ch. 8825. Hooms Without CA BUCKINGHAM 80 Large, cool, front room with continuous hot water near bath. Up-to-date. BEDROOM and living room for 2 gentlemen: breakfast if desired, on Aldn street, across from Colt's Park.

Busii- iT i 93s rooms for rent opposite FARMINGTON AVE. Large nicely furnished front room with veranda; every convenience. Tel. Ch. 5519.

Main, large cool rooms, at special weekly rates, shower baths. LAUREL 240 Rooms, newly remodeled rcoms, electric lights and running water, suitable for two. Board nearby MAIN 101 2 large front rooms, modern, central; for 1 or 2 gentlemen; also small front room, $2. FURNISHED modern apartment of 3 rooms a nd bath, separate entrance maid sen ice; very cent tally located positively no housekeeping. Tel, Ch S66S.

GARDEN 124 To rent, one large, plainly furnished room with twin beds, suitable for one or two gentlemen; next to bath. Fine location, car passes door Carter. 124 Garden St. HOTEL IRA 106 Windsor rooms $2 and $3 weekly; clean, alrv and hoir.e like: transients accommodated. NEAR STATE LIBRARY To gentleman, large, pleasant room with or without private bath: garage space If necessary.

Call Ch. 8527. VINE ST. For rent, in private famllv. desirable room for gentleman at 168 Vine st.

VINE 290 For rent, furnished room: Jewish gentleman preferred. Oh. 3878. WETHERSFIELD AVE. Opposite Colt Park, furnished front room for gentleman, very pleasant.

In private family, f'h. 1414. NICELY furnished front room for rent on bathroom floor, continuous hot water. Telephone Charter 2911. Rooms for Housekeeping 69 BUCKINGHAM FURNISKTCD APARTMENTS, 1, 1 AND 3 roil LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, CHARTER OAK PLACE, 1 One very desirable room with adjoining bath, with or without light housekeeping privileges.

COLLLNS 4 6 Desirable of I gbt housekeepii.g rooms to rent, bathroom floor, gond Iocs Hon. short walk rom R. nation and City hall rent reasonable. LIGHT housekeeping room with refrigerator, on bathroom Poor. 83 Buckingham street.

MAIN 117R For rent. 3 furnished connecting rooms tor housekeeping. Jewelry and Watches 60 PARK 141 Near Washington, 2 neatly furnished rooms for light housekeeping; use of kitchen set tuba Ch. 3737. PLEASANT furnished apartment of i rooms including living room and bath, hot water heat, electric lights: or would rent rooms separately.

Ch. 5021. PARK 781 One. three or four roomd for light housekeeping, also single room with or without meals; would like woman to assist short hours In lunch room. Elift.

2090. Vtteation pin oca 7 0 ELM THEE FARM Rock vi He. Conn. We will take a few select boarders at $10 per week. Addrens J.

M. Allison. EARNRESTTEA ROOMS 18 2 Thomas Savin Rock. We cater to refined trade: home cooking, excellent rooms, pretty dining rooms, meals a la carte; board and rooms. Try our regular dinner, 65 cents.

EAST HAMPTON, CONN. Furnished bungalow In quiet country; four large rooms, large sleeping and front porches; to rent for August and September. Mrs. Ruth B. A.

Rich, Last Hampton, Conn. INDIAN NECK Indian Neck, Branfordl cottage 1905. July 1 to Oct. 1. Room and board reasonable rates; all facilities, fine beach, good table, on trolley line.

Tel. Mrs. A. D. Frey.

LAI RE I BEACH Furnished rooms, use of kitchen, dining-room, $6 and $8 per week, tranaients $1 per night. Three minutes from beach, near restaurant a. A. M. McGarva, Woodlawn Cottage, Milford.

MYRTLE BEACH, CONN. Board and rooms reasonable, all improvements. Holiday House, Myrtle Beach. Milford, Conn. E.

Telephone. PEEP INN At Sound View1, anewand modern restaurant, known as Peep Inn, has been erected beside the new dance hall and will be operated under the management of Mrs. Lawler and Mrs. Keev-er of Hartford, Conn. Mrs, Lawler has operated very successfully, a board inn house at 23 Sumner street, the past two years, and will carry her good reputation to Sound View.

80 to complete a pleasant vacation, do hot tail to stop at Peep Inn and get all the good things to eat, taken fresh from a farm leased nearby. Special attention is called to a chicken and waffle dinner, which will be served on the 4th of July. SOUND VIEW New 3 and 5-rooni bungalows, season $125 to $200: July, $18 to $2S weeklv; August, 2o to $30 weekly. Tel. Ch.

608-3. THE LOR ELY 45 Shorefront. Myrtle Beach, Milford, on the water; vegetables, chickens and eggs fresh from the farm; all home cooking; $9.50 and ur. Mrs. Davin.

proprietor. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments Flats 74 ANN llti New furnishings, artiatia draperies, niodrrn bfttha, wiil completely equipped kitchenettes; thee some of the features whirh Tnaka these hotel apartment, a (iellphtful home for the summer references required. AJ-BANY 10S For rent tenement ef rooma, in rear, all modern Improvements; J10.SI) rent. Apply E. H.

Harris, 103 Albany ave. FAPMINOTON 210 Furnisheil apartment, 4 rooms and bath, for the summer. 210 Farmington ava, Phone 'hnrter WINLtSOU AVE. 4-room apartment, heat. hot water the year round, janitor service, vacuum cleaner, rooms ItKht and airy: adults ontv.

inquire Ch. 1804. Ttoom 603. Pilpard hide. BETMOm NO.

161 For sale, my home, or to rent, furnishe-i or unfurnished, for July and August or for longer periol. Alfred W. Green, 24 State st WINDSOR 43S For rent, tenement rooms. 'lei. Ch.

7078. WASHINGTON ST. During July and Aueust. attractive furnished 4-room apartment, centrally located. Two bedrooms, living room and kitchen.

Hot wuer and janitor service. Rent reason-ahle to desirable tenant. Phone Ch. 4144. WKTHERSWEI.D apartment, all modern.

Inquire of Dr. Cion. room 30, Brown-Thompson Building, or Telephone Charter 3314. COZY 4-room flat, all iinnroveinen7. heat, janitor service, central.

John Campbell. Pilgard Bid. WEST KND Several furnished room. for light housekeeping. suitable for party of three, shady verandas and large lawn; Ideal location: west end; references.

Address West, Box 9, Courant. Business l'laofs for Rnnt 75 Al'TO REPAIR SHOP to rent. Good iv man in tins line. Call 5S5 Front St. Ch.

8257, or 163 Wooster st. BAST 1-IARTFOItD Over the brld.e within walking alliance from Hartford City Hall, two stores, ench with over 800 square feet of floor space, mav he had at ft very reasonable rent for light manufacturing, storage, office or display purposes. Inquire at janitor or at 71 Asylum street. K. W.

O'Konski, agent. LARGE BAsem*nT for rent, situated at junction or ann and High suitable for most any kind of business. $20 monthly. Ryan's Realty Agency, 647 Main t. Houses for Kent 77 NEAR Kiaui PAHK 7-loom cottage unfurnished or partlv furnished, lnrce garden planted, chicken coop, rent leesonable to responsible nartv, charter 1792-5.

RIJSS 170 S-room cottage for rent or Icqqa re A mnnthai I p. m. Call Ch. 35fi0 for appointment. WEBSTER 9 Near Washington ft.

ncncoi, iHrh-e, single nouse; snade. fruit garden. Ready July 1st, t60. Charter 4S73. Summer riaces tor Kent 80 BEACH Attractive new bunga- a.

ununited, near water: 1250 season; references exchanged. Mrs Crufckshank. Sunnyside, Double Beach Brrnford. Conn. TO RENT Furnished, through Juiy nnd nnuse, west C.rauhy, Conn.

Cool, quiet place. Phona -2. Blmsbury or write B. B. Ailing West Granhv.

Wanted To Rent 81 DESK ROOM In one of Hartford's les" lng buildings, desk room by one person references. Address Desk Room, Box g' Courant. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Farms uiul ljid for Sale S3 ACRES East Hartford, all planted room cottage with all modern conveii. heMM.

Krage, 2 Pigs and 60 chickens: price 15.600; 11.600 cash Parsons. Main st. ti ACRES Excellent land. Wethersfleld" state road, good elevation. 7 minutes trolley, maple and elm shade trees- 11 fifn cash.

G. Butler 3 ACRE'S Within limit of Hartford 6-room house, barn, 2 hens, Come and look through it. Real F.s-tate Exchange, Stat, st 21. Open Wed, ft sat. fve, Bu" 34 At kKS i fare: 25 tillable and planted, house, fine shade tree, and large orchard ho.ses cow, heifer.

pigs. 15? chickens, nd farm tools. Price. (100. M.

Person, fin. lsa" n-nn st. 4f alh-finest house and frm Long sh.re utes from town, wate road, troll, three large RO, 1 sEfots. J. Gaus; Prati Av, Com.

fruit. No Clinton, ST i-rf 77T. mile to Post Office. B.st farm H. O.

Hillx East Hamptonl coaol 'OWU- f- EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted Matr. 33 ITl RV( UiV1l Torn mp tor fiai'-V flll lT. work: a month and board, must be -ttfUiinw tn wiilif and understand farm work. A.

Kinc. Park read. West Hartford, Conn. HELP wanted Individuals in costume to narticioate in "Antique and Hornh.e Tii-iinn" etr ih Venn and Virtorv F'a rade. Julv 4th, to be awarded.

Ch. snT or Ch. 1 LABORERS Srt laborers for construct-on work: steadv work until December at for 10 hours. The Foundation Reservoir No. 1.

Fann-ington West Hanford. Take Lnionville car to Station 24. MECHANICS Automobile mechanics, thoroughly experienced. Those familiar with Cadillac work preferred. Apply Automobile Temple sL, Brown.

Thomson Co. PLATEN PRESSMAN Wanted, one who can do embossing as well as color work. in clean shop: aU hours per ween; ha urdays half day. Address "Classified Pox 71, Courant. SALESMEN Two men who are talesmen full of enthusiasm and energy and cf a pleasing, forceful! personality.

Permanent position. Apply mornings only, to 9. Mr. Loom is. 26 State st-.

room 51, WOOLEN SPINNERS I woolen spinners wanted. APPLY J. BROADBENT SON, UNIONVILLE. CONN. SALESMAN- Wanted, clean-cut, married man, 25 to 40 years, to sell fruit products In Hartford and vicinity; salary and commission.

If you can meet our requirements and It is opportunity you seek, where you can make your own future, apply at 125 Albany ave. SALESMEN Are you satisfied where you are? Are you making but $Ti) or $10 weekly? How would you like to increase this 3 or 4 times with no more effort than at present required? To come with us, you must be honest, ambitious, clean, and willing to be taught our plan which makes our salesmen suo ressfut from the start. Sales experience desirable but not necessary. For confidential interview between 10 and 5 call Chanter 740(1. WANTED Good auctioneer, one who understands selling furniture and stoves.

Auction tmiPt be evenings. Address Auctioneer iioxzs. ourant. YOUNG MAN wanted for mailing department and general office work, with manufacturing concern. References required.

Address Office. Box 22, Courant. TO UNO MAN for office work. Ennis Auto Top 22 Elm at. Apply Help Mnle or Female, 34 WANTED Factory, domestic, farm, restaurant and bote! help for city, country, mountains and seashore.

Soule Agency, Room 32. 75Q Main. Bushnell 747. Situations Wanted Female 30 NURSE Hourly nursing by experienced nurse. Charter Si09, No.

5 Sumner et. WIDOW A refined American widow de sires a position as housekeeper for a widower or companion ror an agea person. American, Box 2, Courant. Situations Wanted Male ARTIST desires work with art-craftsman or firm making Rrtfstic products, in or near Hartford. Willing worker.

Frank A. Giddings, 7 Webster Hartford. CHAUFFEUR Truck or private, capable or uomg own repairing. 8 years expe rience. Address Chauffeur, Courant Of fice, New Britain.

STENOGRAPHER Accurate typist; also bookkeeper. Married. References furnished. Address A. Box 24, Courant.

FINANCIAL. Rusiness Opportunities. 38 GARAGE To rent or lease, large garatre with two rooms, 31 by and :4 by 86 and two driveways. Price reasonable. Plenty of business for good mechanic.

Come and lock it over. South ington Central Garaee. GA RAGE Centrally located garag; equipment and 5 cars, lease 5 years, income about S3. 000 per month; price $4,200. C.

Prentice. IS Asvlum st. GARAGE located in center of city. Space for 30 cars. Will sell rijrht if taken at once.

Easy terms. Address Garage, "Box 7, Courant. CROCK It STORE Near Main st. doing a business of from $400 to $5.00 a week; at inventory. Hartford Real Estate F.xchange, State st, Bu.

208. Open Wed. and Sat. eves. RESTAURANT and lunch room for sale! Good place for right party.

Reason for selling, going into other business. Would sell equipment separately. 197 Elm New Britain, Conn. LIVE STOCK. Ilonses, Cattle.

Vehicles. 48 DUMP CART Several eecond-tiand dump carta and harnesses, cheap. J. P. Denneby.

19 Mather t. HORSE Bay liorw, 10 ears old. weight about l.H'6; will work pinRle or double; good wind and a (rood driver. Must be sold this week, $56. A.

D. MacDonald, lf.7 Church st. HORSES A number of good working horses for an work, satisfaction guar anteed. Call at Pleasant st. HORSES A large variety to pick from, weighing from 23rQ to lbs.

a pair. P. Denrtehy. Mather st. HOPSES A few second-hand horses for safe cheao Call rear 1063 Main st.

HORSE, birgsy and harness. for all; bay horse. sound, i lever, good reader, ill work in any place. Apply Windsor ave. HORSES Sound, In good order; have done spring's work: row practirallv at your own rrir; owners at all times make tl price and terms of aale.

We get $5 for sHIing a horse. Also we hae few cood saddle hordes to rnt. The Bueklncham Commission Stables, Cedar and Buckingham sts. Ch. LAMBS AND PIGS; For sale, two Shropshire lumhf, thrc small pigs.

Roy C. Station IS. Windsor. Conn. MULES AND HORSES Just received ft toad of mutes, ranging weight from 1100 to '00; some good matched pairs nd singles: audi mated, out of work.

Pouch at a bargain and must he sold; come and se them and give thorn a trial. A'so -fl bead of good acclimated working horst s. both find Singles, ranging in weight from to 1700. 6. Robtngton.

-117. Mam st PIGS For sale 7 and 8 weeks old Berkshire and Chester White, c. A. Cad-woH, West Hartford. Tel.

Eliz. 126-2. 6ADDLK HORSES to rent or for sale. The Buckingham Commission Stables, Cedar andBuckingham sts. Ch.

73S9. SOWS AND" PlG-luchgradesowsand little piga; we have elegant li. that we will s-1! at the price of porlc also little pig. 8 weeks old. at $15 Pr pair.

Knfteld Farms, Enfield, Conn Telephone 71-3, Tliompsonvilie, Conn Division. 3TALLION Services of the best Percheron Stallion in New England. Horses bought and sold. A. E.

IfONTE CO. Stock Yarus CHARTER OAK PARK, MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale. 51 COLUMBIA Piionogrnoh for sale, regular $0 machine in finest condition. $30. Trumbull st CL LTIVATOR One new two-horse riding ru-rivaior.

ri. a. Jii iHtoi, canton. Tel. 3204.

ELEOTRIO FANS A 11 aiasos and stlee at wholesale and retail. Gilford Electric 201 Asylum st. FOR PA LE Ice'-ream cans and tubs, all sizes, nearly new. Also freezers, lee chest, wheelbarrow, etc. Call and make cash offer.

It Preston citv. GAS RANGE 4 burners, just, as good as new, $8: good -sized Ice box in cood con-dit-on. $7. H. ShtiPor.

57 Morgan St. GEYSER ELECTRIC WASHING machine-, made In sizes. 3-6-9 sheets, ranging from $65.00 up. E. Francis.

273 Asylum st. THE TIME has come to think of your awning. We cany a complete line of them. G. O.

Simons. 240 Asylum it. WALL PAPER Mill-end sales of wall paper; all new goods. 15c. and 20u.

a roll. R. V. Coie. 61 Church st.

SAFES The Bill others fire and burglar proof safes and vault doors for ho'se or office. Salesroom. 46 Ann st. For sale 800 yards of fill at Concord West Hartford. Apply ELLISON CONSTRUCTION Wellington st.

iODA FOUNTAIN To rent for season, one of the best equipped soda fountains and billiard parlors in the state. "Everything Complete." A live monev-maker. Phone or write The Pease House, Say-brook Point. Conn. SURE DEATH to Waterhugs and Roaches Bttl's Exterminator.

AH rirucgiefs Free samples at Talcott dTibutors TENTS 1 .000 new government summer tents and mosquito bars. tUxn be used over titrht hammocks, rot beds and children's play tents, and verv useful for other purposes. Special at $1.60 each. Mall orders st tended to on receipt of money. D.

Grecnberg, 60 Con-gi ess st. Huwine-ww nnd Of lice lquipment 53 TYPE WRITERS- ATI makes of Factory Rebuilt machines at substantial reductions from ljHt prices. Underwoods and Royals a specialty. All machines fully guai anteed. Order now before prices advance.

Sole dealers for Corona, "The Personal Writing Machine." Ail makes of typewriters rented. GENERAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 119 PEARL STREET. 8HOWO-AHK Capita! City Store Fixture manufacturersof showcases nnd all kinrW of ntor? fix Hi res. 415 Windsor St. liuihlijii; Materials SHINGLES Lowest prices on shingles in in- i aim jn.ta per thousand.

l-um--03c a foot and up: also kindling wond, crates, IS crates. New England Lumber Box 800 avenue. Ch. 4265. Household Goods DINING ROOM SET 10-piece Jacobean oak at a bargain.

One mahogany dining-room table, good as new, value will sell for $10. It will pay anyone to buy this piece. We have a large slock of all household furniture at very low prices. J. Hurwits, 510 Front at.

HOUSE FURNITURE for sale. AdpIv Mr. Schwartz, 151 Cooper South Manchester. SEWING MACHINES repaired, any make. Needles, oil, belts and supplies of nil i nds.

for saie. i Sew i ng Ma- chine Cn. Tel. Ch. 4251.

50 Mulberry at. GOoD USED furniture, rugs, ranges. stoves, household articles. Woods, 14 Chape! st. Ch.

8400 Jewelry nnd WTatclcs DIAMOND MOUNTING and jewelry repairing, special eider work H. A. Gerber. f3 Main st. Formerly with Hern Kohn Sons.

WATCHES cieaued mam springs 75c, crystals 20c.t hands, each 15c We buy diamonds, obi watches; jewelry and false teeth. LeW mn. Jeweler, S3 Asylum over Surprise store. WATCHMAKER Carl W. Ltmiqii'st, repairing fine watches a specialty.

Formerly with E. Gundlach Co. Room 42, State St. TOUR WATCH thoroughly cleaned and overhauled. Demagnetizing, AH work guaranteed.

R. IS. Burr, 83 Church st. Machinery and Tool 61 FURNACE No. 1 Brown A Sharpe Case Hardening and Annealing Furnace, but little used at a low price.

May be seen any working day by appointment. The Mtrrow Machine 28 Lauri Hnrtrnrd. 'Dan. Tel. Ch.

S2R. SAM'MILTr--Portable, end complete equipment. Maps, fctamlrt' il boiler. George A. Ulett, Sonth Samlisflcld.

Mass, Musical Iitfciruaicnta 69 COLUMBIA mahogany machine Jn flrst- cli'ss condition at a greatly reduced puce. The Pathe Actuelle t4 Trumbull st. 'I A MO Hallet A Davis upright piano for sale: only $125. fOur low expenses will save you money). Hartford Piano 9 Hayr.vs st.

L. A. Wheeler, prop. PIANO Haynes Pros, $lal. tor saie; good condition-; eaay terms.

(Our low ex uses you money). Ua-tford T'inno 9 Haynes st, L. A. Wbeelei prop. PIANO rpright, tune, good condition: price ou vour own terms, $l5, A.



repaired built to ratirna H)gbt grade of workmanship li st moderate prices. Johnson ft Granaat.1. 51 Fm street. iJLE MVK for vulcanizing; ttarpaius in usea tirte this wtck. Mick Si Park.

Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.