1. Venice 2024 review: Planet B (Aude Léa Rapin)
29 aug 2024 · Aude Léa Rapin's second film Planet B is one of several high-concept science-fiction films to emerge from France in recent years, with this one ...
"The film is held together by the two fantastic central performances from Exarchopoulos and Yacoub." Aude Léa Rapin’s second film Planet B is one of
2. Aude Léa Rapin attends a photocall for "Planet B" during the Sitges...
10 okt 2024 · Aude Léa Rapin attends a photocall for "Planet B" during the Sitges Film Festival on October 10, 2024 in Sitges, Spain.
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3. PLANET B by Aude-Léa Rapin - Cinema Reporters
The film follows Julia, one of the activists who mysteriously disappeared after participating in a violent protest.
A film by Aude Léa Rapin With: Adèle Exarchopoulos, Souheila Yacoub, Eliane Umuhire, India Hair, Souleymane Touré, Jonathan Couzinié, Léo Chalié, Grace Seri, Paul Beaurepaire, Marc BarbéOur rate: -The film follows Julia, one of the activists who mysteriously disappeared...
4. Interviews with Jeanne Lapoirie, AFC, and Guillaume Ader (gaffer) (…)
25 sep 2024 · With Planète B, filmmaker Aude Léa Rapin (Les héros ne meurent jamais, in 2018) offers us an ambitious tale of anticipation.
With Planète B, filmmaker Aude Léa Rapin (Les héros ne meurent jamais, in 2018) offers us an ambitious tale of anticipation. Two dimensions - real and virtual - coexist in a paradoxical prison film…
5. Planet B de Aude Léa Rapin (2024) - Unifrance
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See AlsoEyelashes - Makeup | Ulta BeautyLocated in Paris, Unifrance employs around 50 staff members, as well as representatives based in the U.S. China and Japan. The organisation currently brings together more than 1,000 French cinema and TV content professionals (producers, talents, agents, sales companies, etc.) working together to promote French films and TV programmes among foreign audiences, industry executives and media.
6. Planet B – Settimana Internazionale della Critica
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France, 2039. One night, a group of activists pursued by the state vanish without a trace. Julia Bombarth is one of them.
7. Aude Léa Rapin on her film 'Heroes Don't Die' - Thrive Global
30 jun 2019 · French filmmaker Aude Léa Rapin finds her own purpose and explanation in the story of her latest film 'Heroes Don't Die' which premiered at the Cannes Film ...
The idea of reincarnation is one we all toy with at some point of our lives. Maybe it's sparked by a person we meet who seems eerily familiar to us, or perhaps a place we visit where we feel so simply at home, like we've lived there before. Whatever it may be, none of us know how it all will turn out anyway. So French filmmaker Aude Léa Rapin finds her own purpose and explanation in the story of her latest film 'Heroes Don't Die' which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.
8. Imagine 2024: Aude Léa Rapin over Planète B - Filmkrant
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Near-future sciencefiction gebruikt de genrevorm om het heden door de mangel te halen. Planète B is daarmee onverholen politiek. Maar het moest óók een lekkere genrefilm worden, vertelt regisseur Aude Léa Rapin. “Anders ben ik meteen de helft van mijn publiek kwijt.” “Ik dacht aan de generatie van mijn dochter, geboren in 2016. En hoe […]